17 November 2009

17th/18th November 2009

Today we completed the Chemistry of Life unit, and took a partner quiz over the notes and the vocabulary from the chapter 6.  We spent some time defining the vocabulary words from chapter 7, as we will begin our study of the cell and its structures starting on Thursday. 

EXTRA CREDIT:  Find an article that discusses any type of cell as found in chapter 7.  Print the article, type a 2 paragraph description of what is contained in the article, and how it relates to chapter 7.  20 points extra credit.

06 November 2009

5th/6th November 2009

Today we completed the notes over section 2 of chapter 6.  We also worked on the pH lab and found out that we can test for acids/bases.   We have a quiz over the vocabulary from 6-1/6-2 during our next class period.

03 November 2009

3rd November 2009

Just a reminder about the start of the new quarter:
1) Check skyward once a week
2) Check the blog once a week
3) Keep up on the homework, notes and activities

We finished the notes over Chapter 6, section 1.  There were eight questions that were answered, and if you did not take the notes, here are the questions:
1.  What is an atom?  Draw a picture and label it.
2.  What is an element?  Give examples
3.  What is a periodic table and how is it used?  Draw and label one square from the periodic table.
4. What is a compound?
5. What is an isotope and how is it used?
6. What is a covalent bond?  Give examples
7. What is an ionic bond?  Give examples
8.  What are van der Waals forces?  Give an example

We also started the element research project, which is due at the beginning of the class next time (5th/6th)....
Here is the link for the worksheet if  you missed it, lost it or whatever else usually happens to sophomore homework..........

26 October 2009

23rd/26th October 2009

The end of the quarter is nearing!  The VERY LAST day to turn in work is Wednesday, Oct. 28th by 3pm.  Right now you should be working on the biodiversity paper.  There will be an end of the quarter test on the last A and B day of the quarter, and this test should take most of the class period.

19 October 2009

19th/20th October 2009

We are still working on our Ecology unit, and are currently working on our storybooks for our environmental problem much like we read in the Lorax/Truax books.  We will spend some time researching on the internet environmental issues, and the book will be due 21st/22nd of this month.

EXTRA CREDIT Take a picture of an environmental problem in the area where you live, print if off, attach to it a one paragraph description of what is going on and how it is affecting the environment.  Due by the end of the day, Wednesday October 28th.

29 September 2009

29th/30th September

Today we studied the Owl Pellet, which is a good way to apply some of the ecology principles we have discussed in class.  First, owls are predators that help keep their prey population numbers in check.  We can look at an owl pellet to see how healthy the ecosystem is where they live.

We took apart the owl pellet in class and reconstructed its last meal...We also watched a video from the show "Dirty Jobs", which showed how pellets were collected for study.  A link to that video can be found here:  http://dsc.discovery.com/videos/dirty-jobs-owl-vomit-collector.html

For homework, make sure you have completed the section assessments for 2.1/2.2/2.3 as we will correct this on Monday, October 5th.

22 September 2009

18th/21st September 2009

We started the Ecology unit by completing the vocabulary words for chapter 2 from the book.  Remember, homework for the next class period are the section assessments from 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3. We will start discussing the notes for the Ecology unit during the next class period, and we will be starting the predator-prey lab.

14 September 2009

14th/15th September 2009

Worked on the Rocket Car lab today, and noticed that some groups really struggled with getting their car to move.  I noticed that some of you did not work very well as a group, as one person tried to troubleshoot the problem while the others sat around and didn't help.  This is a concern, and will be addressed in future labs in class.  I am hoping that you are seeing how the scientific method works to help us answer questions that we may have about the natural world.  As we ask questions, we can hypothesize as to what we think is going on, then design experiments to test our hypotheses.  At this point in the class, you should be able to pose a question, develop a hypothesis, design an experiment, perform your experiment, collect and analyze data and voice your conclusion that presents your results. 

We turned in the metric conversion and graphing review assignment today, and remember, any time that you want to turn in a late assignment you must attach a hall pass to it.  No pass, no credit on late work.

We will have a quiz over the scientific method on friday/monday classes, and soon will begin the ecology unit.

10 September 2009

9/7 - 9/9

Worked more with observations/inferences, by now you should understand the difference between the two.  You should also know the difference between a quantitative/qualitative observation.  The questions on the back of the worksheet are due the beginning of the next class period.

We also worked on the scientific method with an activity called "Saving Sam".....Great opportunity to show how you can work with someone else to solve a problem.  Most of you came up with very unique ways to save Sam.  Plus, having to write your steps so someone else could follow them forced us to be SPECIFIC with our pictures and descriptions (remember the gatorade bottle?)

EXTRA CREDIT:  Print off a picture of something that has to do with Bingham High School.  Put your name at the top, turn it in to the correct homework basket.  Last day to turn this in is this Friday (September 11th).

01 September 2009

1st/3rd September 2009

Another fantastic day using the metric system!  We turned in the first metric measuring activity, and started a new activity that dealt with volume and mass.  We spent most of the time working on this, as it often takes longer to get exact measurements when dealing with liquids!  So far so good with the labs, people are doing a great job staying on task and taking care of the equipment.

HEADS UP!  We are going o have a quiz over metric conversions on thurs (A day) and fri (B day) of this week.  10 questions, 10 points.  You should be able to move between kilo, centi, milli and the other standard units (grams, liters and meters).

Reminder:  Disclosures are due today (1st) for A day and the 2nd for B day....Fees are due by the end of the week, and if you do not pay them you cannot do labs until you do!

31 August 2009

31st Aug/2nd Sept...(Mon & Wed)

First full day of classes!  Today we started the scientific method unit by reviewing the Metric System.  Remember, if you can multiply and divide by 10, then you can master the metric system....We worked on the Metric Measuring activity #1, which required us to take exact measurements using a ruler and meter stick.  We took notes over the basics of the metric system, so make sure that you look over them for next class period because we will be having a conversion quiz.

As a reminder, disclosures and fees for "A" day class are due Tues. and Thurs. of this week.  "B" day classes  have disclosures and fees due Wed. and Fri.  You must pay your fees by this week if you want to participate in labs next week.

HOMEWORK:  Finish the Metric Measuring activity before next class period.......Due at the beginning of the period....

28 August 2009

28th August/1st September 2009

Today we discussed the "Nature of Science" article that was passed out the first day.  The worksheet for the article was turned in.

We also talked about metric conversions, and started the Metric Measuring Lab #1.

Remember that your disclosures are due on Tuesday, Sept. 2nd, and that your class fees ($5) are due Thursday, Sept. 4th!

We also handed out biology books today.........