22 April 2016

Evolution Test Review


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Unit 4 Map for Evolution

Essential Understanding

Evolution is central to modern science’s understanding of the living world. The basic idea of biological evolution is that Earth’s present day species developed from earlier species. Evolutionary processes allow some species to survive with little or no change, some to die out altogether, and other species to change, giving rise to a greater diversity of species. Science distinguishes itself from other ways of knowing and from other bodies of knowledge through the use of empirical standards, logical arguments, and skepticism, as science strives for explanations of the world.

Learning Objectives
1. I can describe the effects of environmental factors on natural selection.

2. I can relate genetic variability to adaptation potential and isolation to speciation.

3. I can compare selective breeding to natural selection and relate them to agricultural uses.

4. I can cite evidence to support biological evolution over time.

5. I can identify the role of mutation and recombination in evolution.

6. I can relate the nature of science to the historical development of the theory of evolution.

7. I can use observations and inferences in making interpretations related to evolution.

8. I can classify organisms using a classification tool such as a key or field guide.

9. I can generalize criteria used for classification of organisms.

10. I can explain how evolutionary relationships are related to classification systems.

11. I can justify the ongoing changes to classification schemes used in biology.

Science Language students should know and use:
adaptation, animal, biodiversity, classification scheme, dichotomy, evidence, evolution, fossil record, fungi, geologic record, hierarchy, homologous, inference, kingdom, molecular, mutation, natural selection, plant, protist, recombination, speciation, taxonomy, theory, vestigial structures, virus

The material listed above is what will be covered on the unit test as well as the state final.  Mastering the Learning Objectives, knowing and being able to use the science language, and having the essential understanding will help you be well prepared for these tests.

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